El Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) australiano anuncia nuevos tratamientos y recortes de precios en más de 1.000 medicamentos
Última actualización: 10 de marzo de 2021
Puede acceder legalmente a nuevos medicamentos, aunque no estén aprobados en su país.
Más informaciónAccording to reports, cobimetinib a treatment used for advanced melanoma that cannot be surgically removed and has a certain type of abnormal gene, was also added to the scheme.
You can find out more about cobimetinib on our information page, which is available viaeveryone.orgfor those living outside the US, EU or Australia, and can be acquired when a doctor’s prescription is provided.
In addition, over 1100 PBS-listed medicines are reported to drop in price which include treatments for high cholesterol, breast cancer, mental illnesses, eczema, psoriasis and Parkinson’s disease. The price cuts will take effect from 1 April 2017.
PBS are yet to publish a press release, but as soon as they do, we’ll post an update! In the meantime, a list of the confirmed 1 April 2017 prices can be found on the PBS’s Price Disclosure (SPD) web page.